Posts Tagged With: desert

The Majestic Arches, Utah

Looking toward “Wall Street” to the west, I couldn’t help but stop and take a shot of this huge red sandstone formation. When you’re there, standing, looking up at these rocks, you’re hypnotized by their shear size. The wind was literally blowing me over trying to get this shot. I had both hands on the tripod, waiting for a lull in the wind. When it came I had my shot. The clouds were moving so fast, I thought they might distort in the photo, especially taking 3 shots for an HDR. Arches National Park is an excellent hiking destination. Paths wonder everywhere and are pleasant and easy navigate. Try it!

Daily Photo:

Red Sandstone of ArchesDave Morgan-Creative Commons

Red Sandstone of Arches
Dave Morgan-Creative Commons

Categories: Arches National Park, Desert, Utah | Tags: , , , , | Leave a comment

Arizona Desert in Bloom

A rear sight in Phoenix area, is a colorful desert. Maybe every 10 years we will get enough  winter rain to wake up the dormant seeds buried in the desert floor. If so spring comes alive and it’s a crazy time for photographers, who are out in droves. And so we wait for another wet winter..and wait..and wait!

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Arizona Desert FlowersDave Morgan-Creative Commons

Arizona Desert Flowers
Dave Morgan-Creative Commons

Categories: Arizona, Cactus, Desert, Flowers, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , | 2 Comments

Wild Flower at Park Avenue, Arches National Park, Utah

During a hike through Park Avenue at Arches National Park, I saw this tiny little wild flower, desperately trying to survive. I didn’t see many along the trail, so I tried to figure out how to get the little thing into a photo with the red rock in the back ground. Problem being the tripod didn’t get low enough to capture the flower. I decided the only way it was going to work was, ly flat down on my stomach with the camera flat on the ground. But then I couldn’t frame it, because I couldn’t get my eyeball low enough to see through the viewfinder. I ended up turning my head kind of sideways, with one eye low enough to see somewhat through the viewfinder. Propping little rocks around the camera, I attempted to balance the little flower where I wanted it in the frame. To make things worse, the desert ground was burning up, so I got pretty figidy. I must have looked pretty scary to other hikers, wondering why I was scuffling around in the dirt. I guess it’s something us crazy photographers do to entertain ourselves. Enough said!

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Wild Flower at Park AveDave Morgan-Creative Commons

Wild Flower at Park Ave
Dave Morgan-Creative Commons

Categories: Arches National Park, Desert, Utah | Tags: , , , , | Leave a comment

Lake Powell, Arizona

Daily Photo:

Lake Powell is one of those kind of lakes you could spend a life time exploring. I’ve done a fair share of exploring, boating, fishing, skiing, hiking, camping, scout outings, performing at the Wahweep Resort, 4th of July’s watching fireworks over Glen Canyon Dam, houseboating, jumping off cliffs, getting lost, and yes, even photographing this marvelous place. This Vista shot is just north Glen Canyon Dam at sunset.

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Lake Powell, Arizona

Categories: Arizona, Desert, Lakes, Sunsets, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Smokey Sunset at The Grand Canyon, Az

Daily Photo:

When I first saw all the smoke and haze hugging the Colorado River and canyon walls below, I didn’t think much about photographing it. But the more I looked at it and the way the layers of canyons went off in the distance, maybe I can pull something out in HDR. With Photomatix, Topaz and a little Photoshop, it all came together and created it’s own kind of mood. The Grand Canyon kind of does that to you anyway.

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Smokey Grand Canyon
Dave Morgan-Creative Commons

Categories: Arizona, Desert, Grand Canyon, Rivers | Tags: , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Indian Graffiti at Grey Mountain Trading Post, Arizona

Daily Photo:

On route 89 to Page, Az, I happen to catch this colorful artwork on the side of the road, just before the Grey Mountain Trading Post. I just had to check it out. Someone decided to get creative on the side of some tanks, and I thought it looked kind of cool. What do you think? I looked at these tanks on Google Earth and their painted white. Makes you want to

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Indian Grafiti, Grey Mountain Trading Post
Dave Morgan-Creative Commons

Categories: Arizona, Desert, Graffiti | Tags: , , , , , , | Leave a comment

I Have My Eye On You! Arches National Park, Utah

Wide angle lens can be fun especially when you got time on your hands. I was having a rough time in Arches this day trying to get some “near and far” wide angle  HDR landscape shots, but the wind was not cooperating. It was gusting up to 50 mph and it was all I could do to hold my tripod down. Any trees or plants upclose was pretty well distorted and messy. So I went for long shots where the trees weren’t so noticeably blurred. The clouds were moving quick and blurred at 3 HDR shots. Arches is a beautiful place for dramatic shots and you really can’t go to wrong here. My rent-a-car special added some fun to the moment.

Rental Car at Arches National Park
Dave Morgan-Creative Commons

Categories: Arches National Park, Cars, Desert, Utah | Tags: , , , , | Leave a comment

Three Coins in The Fountain, Arizona

One of my first photos of HDR, practicing in my own neighborhood here in Arizona. I happen to live in a lake community in the Phoenix area and a fountain with water is a natural draw for HDR shots. Their’s nothing natural about a lake in the desert, so man-made is as good as it gets. It’s humbling to think of a lake in such a dry and arid place, and sometimes the luxury of it all seems a little silly.

Fountain in the Desert

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Arches National Park, Utah

Daily Photo:

I like to take a photo of the rental cars I use when traveling to photo destinations. It’s kinda cool to use an extreme wide angle lens and have some fun warping the shot. This was taken with a 16-35mm Canon lens, my favorite lens for landscapes. Then a little HDR magic to bring out some zip, not that it needed any.

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Rental car in Arches National Park

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Antelope Canyon, Page Arizona

I was the only American on the “Photographer’s Tour”, I booked at Antelope Canyon. This is a major stop for foreign travelers. Everyone wanting to experience these incredible formations. Mostly Germans on my tour and they were excited. They all brought their pro gear and they were ready. I recommend if you ever plan a trip to Page, Arizona to go through the slot canyons, you book with a “photographer’s tour. You’re treated with guides who hold back the crowds so you can have an extra minute or two without crowds getting in your picture. Well worth the extra money. Also, leave the contact lens in your hotel room and bring a dust mask. You will need it!

Antelope Canyon

Categories: Antelope Canyon, Arizona | Tags: , , , , | 4 Comments

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